Community Health Workers Toolkit



Workflows are a description of the way people complete tasks. They may range from simple lists of steps to complicated diagrams. There are two related questions to answer before starting on a workflow:

    1. Who will use it?
      Will the workflow be used by CHWs? By managers? By administrators?
    2. Why are you developing one?
      Is the current process in need of standardization?

By clearly stating the answers to these questions, the level of detail needed in the workflow and the form it takes (lists/diagram) should become clear. For example, if the workflow needs to be used by CHWs, then it should go into enough detail that they can tell what comes next after each step. Often having both lists and a graphical representation can be helpful — particularly when each step has multiple components. Workflows also tend to decay over time so re-evaluating the workflow and revising it should be regular events.